Package 'qbld'

Title: Quantile Regression for Binary Longitudinal Data
Description: Implements the Bayesian quantile regression model for binary longitudinal data (QBLD) developed in Rahman and Vossmeyer (2019) <DOI:10.1108/S0731-90532019000040B009>. The model handles both fixed and random effects and implements both a blocked and an unblocked Gibbs sampler for posterior inference.
Authors: Ayush Agarwal [aut, cre], Dootika Vats [ctb]
Maintainer: Ayush Agarwal<[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.0.3
Built: 2025-03-02 05:20:57 UTC

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Quantile Regression for Binary Longitudinal Data


Implements the Bayesian quantile regression model for binary longitudinal data (QBLD) developed in Rahman and Vossmeyer (2019) <DOI:10.1108/S0731-90532019000040B009>. The model handles both fixed and random effects and implements both a blocked and an unblocked Gibbs sampler for posterior inference.


Package: qbld
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2020-08-17
License: GPL (>= 3)

The package contains the following functions:

  • model.qbld : Runs the QBLD sampler as in Rahman and Vossmeyer(2019) and outputs a ‘qbld’ class object.

  • summary.qbld : S3 method that summarizes the outputs of the model.qbld function.

  • plot.qbld : S3 method that plots ‘qbld’ class object.

  • aldmix : Cumulative density, probability distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the asymmetric Laplace distribution.

  • gig : Probability distribution function, random generation for the generalised inverse Gaussian.

  • airpollution, locust : In-built datasets


Ayush Agarwal [aut, cre], Dootika Vats [ctb]

Maintainer: Ayush Agarwal<[email protected]>


Rahman, Mohammad Arshad and Angela Vossmeyer, “Estimation and Applications of Quantile Regression for Binary Longitudinal Data,” Advances in Econometrics, 40B, 157-191, 2019.

Vats, Dootika and Christina Knudson. “Revisiting the Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic.” arXiv

Keming Yu and Jin Zhang (2005) A Three-Parameter Asymmetric Laplace Distribution and Its Extension, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods.

Kobayashi, Genya. (2011). Gibbs Sampling Methods for Bayesian Quantile Regression. J Stat Comput Simul.

Devroye, L. Random variate generation for the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. Stat Comput 24, 239–246 (2014).

Wolfgang Hörmann and Josef Leydold (2013). Generating generalized inverse Gaussian random variates, Statistics and Computing.

J. S. Dagpunar (1989). An easily implemented generalised inverse Gaussian generator, Comm. Statist. B – Simulation Comput. 18, 703–710.


# Dataset

# output will be a qbld class object
output <- model.qbld(fixed_formula = wheeze~smoking+I(age^2)-1, data = airpollution, id="id", 
                      random_formula = ~1, p=0.25, nsim=1000, method="block", burn=0, 
                      summarize=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
# summary
summary(output, epsilon=0.1)
# plots           

# GIG sampler
rgig(n = 1, lambda = 0.5, a = 1, b = 2)

# ALD sampler
raldmix(n = 10, mu = 5, sigma = 10, p = 0.5)



This example is a subset of data from Six Cities study, a longitudinal study of the health effects of air pollution (Ware, J. H. et al., 1984).




A data frame with 128 observations on the following 5 variables.


identifies de number of the individual profile. This vector contains observations of 537 individual profiles.


a numeric vector that identify the wheezing status (1="yes", 0="no") of a child at each occasion.


a numeric vector corresponding to the age in years.


a factor that identify if the mother smoke (1="smoke", 0="no smoke").


a numeric vector corresponding to the replications of each individual profile.


The data set presented by Fitzmaurice and Laird (1993) contains complete records on 537 children from Steubnville, Ohio, each woman was examined annually at ages 7 through 10. The repeated binary response is the wheezing status (1="yes", 0="no") of a child at each occasion. Although mother's smoking status could vary with time, it was determined in the first interview and was treated as a time-independent covariate. Maternal smoking was categorized as 1 if the mother smoked regularly and 0 otherwise.


Fitzmaurice, G. M. and Laird, N. M. (1993). A Likelihood-Based Method for analyzing Longitudinal Binary Response. Biometrika, 80, 141-51.


Ware, J. H., Dockery, D. W., Spiro, A. III, Speizer, F. E. and Ferris, B. G., Jr. (1984). Passive smoking, gas cooking and respiratory health in children living in six cities. Am. Rev. Respir. dis., 129, 366-74.

Asymmetric Laplace distribution


Cumulative density, probability distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the asymmetric Laplace distribution with quantile pp, location parameter mu and scale parameter sigma.


raldmix(n, mu, sigma, p)

daldmix(x, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5)

paldmix(q, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, lower.tail = TRUE)

qaldmix(prob, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, lower.tail = TRUE)



: number of observations


: location parameter


: scale parameter

p, prob

: probability at which to calculate quantile

x, q

: vector of quantiles


: logical; decides b/w P(X<=p)P(X<=p) or P(X>p)P(X>p) for p/q


The asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD), which has the following pdf:

f(x;μ,σ,p)=p(1p)σexp{(xμ)σ(pI(xμ))}f(x;\mu,\sigma,p) = \frac{p(1-p)}{\sigma} \exp\{-\frac{(x-\mu)}{\sigma}(p-I(x \le \mu))\}

If not specified, p=0.5p=0.5, mu=0mu = 0, sigma=1sigma = 1.


  • raldmix returns a vector of random numbers from AL(mu,sigma,p).

  • daldmix returns returns density of AL(mu,sigma,p) at point x.

  • paldmix returns CDF prob of AL(mu,sigma,p) at quantile q.

  • qaldmix returns inverse CDF quantile of AL(mu,sigma,p) at prob.


Keming Yu & Jin Zhang (2005) A Three-Parameter Asymmetric Laplace Distribution and Its Extension, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 34:9-10, 1867-1879, DOI: 10.1080/03610920500199018

Kobayashi, Genya. (2011). Gibbs Sampling Methods for Bayesian Quantile Regression. J Stat Comput Simul. 81. 1565. 10.1080/00949655.2010.496117.

See Also

rgig for random sampling from GIG distribution


raldmix(n = 10, mu = 5, sigma = 10, p = 0.5)
daldmix(c(4,5),mu = 0,sigma = 1,p = 0.5)
paldmix(c(1,4),mu = 0,sigma = 1,p = 0.5,lower.tail=TRUE)
qaldmix(0.5,mu = 0,sigma = 1,p = 0.5,lower.tail=TRUE)

Generalised Inverse Gaussian


Probability distribution function, random generation for the Generalised Inverse Gaussian with three parameters a(chi)a(chi), b(psi)b(psi), pp.


dgig(x, a, b, p, log_density)

rgig(n, lambda, a, b)



: Argument of pdf


: chi parameter. Must be nonnegative for positive lambda and positive else.


: psi parameter. Must be nonnegative for negative lambda and positive else.


: logical; returns log density if TRUE


: number of observations

lambda, p

: lambda parameter


The Generalised Inverse Gaussian distrubtion(GIG), which has the following pdf

f(x)=xλ1exp{ω2(x+1x)}f(x) = x^{\lambda-1}\exp\{-\frac{\omega}{2}(x + \frac{1}{x})\}


  • rgig returns a vector of random numbers from GIG(a,b,p).

  • dgig returns returns density of a GIG(a,b,p) at point x.


Devroye, L. Random variate generation for the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. Stat Comput 24, 239–246 (2014).

Wolfgang Hörmann and Josef Leydold (2013). Generating generalized inverse Gaussian random variates, Statistics and Computing (to appear), DOI: 10.1007/s11222-013-9387-3

J. S. Dagpunar (1989). An easily implemented generalised inverse Gaussian generator, Comm. Statist. B – Simulation Comput. 18, 703–710.

See Also

raldmix for random sampling from Asymmetric Laplace distribution


rgig(n = 1, lambda = 0.5, a = 1, b = 2)
dgig(x = 1, a = 1, b = 2, p = 0.5, log_density = FALSE)



This data set was presented by MacDonald and Raubenheimer (1995) and analyze the effect of hunger on locomotory behaviour of 24 locust (Locusta migratoria) observed at 161 time points. The subjects were divided in two treatment groups ("fed" and "not fed"), and within each of the two groups, the subjects were alternatively "male" and "female". For the purpose of this analysis the categories of the response variable were "moving" and "not moving". During the observation period, the behavior of each of the subjects was registered every thirty seconds.




A data frame with 3864 observations on the following 7 variables.


a numeric vector that identifies de number of the individual profile.


a numeric vector representing the response variable.


a factor with levels 1 for "male" and 0 for "female".


a numeric vector that identifies de number of the time points observed. The time vector considered was obtained dividing (1:161) by 120 (number of observed periods in 1 hour).


a factor with levels 0 "no" and 1 "yes".


The response variable, move is the binary type coded as 1 for "moving" and 0 for "not moving". The sex covariate was coded as 1 for "male" and 0 for "female". The feed covariate indicating the treatment group, was coded as 1 for "fed" and 0 for "not fed". Azzalini and Chiogna (1997) also have analyze this data set using their S-plus package


MacDonald, I. and Raubenheimer, D. (1995). Hidden Markov models and animal behaviour. Biometrical Journal, 37, 701-712


Azzalini, A. and Chiogna, M. (1997). S-Plus Tools for the Analysis of Repeated Measures Data. Computational Statistics, 12, 53-66

QBLD Sampler


Runs the QBLD sampler as in Rahman and Vossmeyer(2019) and outputs a ‘qbld’ class object which consists of Markov chains for Beta(the fixed effects estimate), Alpha(the random effects estimate), and Varphi2 (as per the model), of which Beta and Varphi2 are of interest.


model.qbld(fixed_formula, data, id = "id", random_formula = ~1, p = 0.25, 
                  b0 = 0, B0 = 1, c1 = 9, d1 = 10, method = c("block","unblock"), 
                  nsim, burn = 0, summarize = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



: a description of the model to be fitted of the form response~fixed effects predictors i.e XiXi in the model. See vignette for more information.


: data frame, NAs not allowed and should throw errors, factor variables are auto-converted, find airpollution.rda and locust.rda built into the package.


: variable name in the dataset that specifies individual profile. By default, id="id" and data is expected to contain an id variable. This is omitted while modelling.


: a description of the model to be fitted of the form response~random effects predictors i.e SiSi in the model. This defaults to SiSi being only an intercept. See vignette for more information.


: quantile for the AL distribution on the error term, p=0.25p=0.25 by default. For very low (<=0.025)(<=0.025) or very high (>=0.970)(>=0.970) values of p, sampler forces to unblock version to avoid errors.

b0, B0

: Prior model parameters for Beta. These are defaulted to 0 vector, and Identity matrix.

c1, d1

: Prior model parameters for Varphi2. These are defaulted to 9,10 (arbitrary) respectively.


: Choose between the "Block" vs "Unblock" sampler, Block is slower but produces lower correlation.


: number of simultions to run the sampler.


: Burn in percentage, number between (0,1). Burn-in values are discarded and not used for summary calculations.


: Outputs a summary table (same as summary(output)), in addition also prints Model fit AIC/BIC/Log-likelihood values. False by default.


: False by default. Spits out progress reports while the sampler is running.


For a detailed information on the sampler, please check the vignette. Data are contained in a data.frame. Each element of the data argument must be identifiable by a name. The simplest situation occurs when all subjects are observed at the same time points. The id variable represent the individual profiles of each subject, it is expected a variable in the data.frame that identifies the correspondence of each component of the response variable to the subject that it belongs, by default is named id variable. Hence NA values are not valid. For very low (<=0.025)(<=0.025) or very high (>=0.970)(>=0.970) values of pp, sampler forces to unblock version to avoid errors. Block version in this case may lead to machine tolerance issues.

‘qbld’ object contains markov chains and sampler run information as attributes , and is compatible with S3 methods like summary,plot. make.qbld function can be used to convert a similar type-object to ‘qbld’ class.


Returns ‘qbld’ class object. ‘qbld’ class contains the following :

  • Beta: Matrix of MCMC samples of fixed-effects parameters.

  • Alpha: 3-dimensional matrix of MCMC samples of random-effects parameters.

  • Varphi2: Matrix of MCMC samples for varphi2.

  • nsim: Attribute; No. of simulations of chain run.

  • burn: Attribute; Whether or not burn-in used.

  • which: Attribute; "block" or "unblock" sampler used


Rahman, Mohammad Arshad and Angela Vossmeyer, “Estimation and Applications of Quantile Regression for Binary Longitudinal Data,” Advances in Econometrics, 40B, 157-191, 2019.

See Also

A qbld object may be summarized by the summary function and visualized with the plot function.

summary.qbld, plot.qbld

Datasets : airpollution, locust



output <- model.qbld(fixed_formula = wheeze~smoking+I(age^2), data = airpollution, id="id", 
                     random_formula = ~1, p=0.25, nsim=1000, method="block", burn=0, 
                     summarize=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)



Plots ‘qbld’ class object.


## S3 method for class 'qbld'
plot(x,trace = TRUE,density = TRUE,auto.layout = TRUE,ask = dev.interactive(),...)



: ‘qbld’ class object to plot.


: Whether or not to plot trace plots for covariates, TRUE by default


: Whether or not to plot density for covariates, TRUE by default.


: Auto set layout or not, TRUE as default. Plots according to the local settings if false.


: For Interactive plots


: Other plot arguments


Plots as specified.

See Also

summary.qbld, model.qbld

QBLD Summary Class


Outputs a ‘summary.qbld’ class object, and prints as described.


## S3 method for class 'qbld'
summary(object,quantiles = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975),epsilon = 0.05,...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.qbld'
print(x, ...)



: ‘qbld’ class object


: Vector of quantiles for summary of the covariates, defaulted to c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)


: epsilon value for calculating significance stars (see details), 0.05 by default.


: Other summary arguments


: (for print.summary.qbld) ‘qbld.summary’ class object


‘qbld.summary’ class summarizes the outputs of the model.qbld function. Markov Std Error (MCSE), Effective sample size (ESS) are calculated using mcmcse package. Gelman-Rubin diagnostic (R hat), and significance stars are indicated using Vats and Knudson et. al.


summary.qbld produces following sets of summary statistics for each variable:

  • statistics: Contains the mean, sd, markov std error, ess and Gelman-Rubin diagnostic

  • quantiles: Contains quantile estimates for each variable

  • nsim: No. of simulations run

  • burn: Burn-in used or not

  • which: Block, or Unblock version of sampler

  • p: quantile for the AL distribution on the error term

  • multiess: multiess value for the sample

  • multigelman: multivariate version of Gelman-Rubin


Vats, Dootika and Christina Knudson. “Revisiting the Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic.” arXiv

James M. Flegal, John Hughes, Dootika Vats, and Ning Dai. (2020). mcmcse: Monte Carlo Standard Errors for MCMC. R package version 1.4-1. Riverside, CA, Denver, CO, Coventry, UK, and Minneapolis, MN.

Christina Knudson and Dootika Vats (2020). stableGR: A Stable Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic for Markov Chain Monte Carlo. R package version 1.0.

See Also

plot.qbld, model.qbld

Additional functions : mcse.mat, ess, multiESS, stable.GR, target.psrf